“The Best Essay 2022” Republican essay competition

The Registan Education Project is announcing a nationwide competition “The Best Essay 2022”.
The main purpose of the competition is to promote the English language throughout the country, to support talented young people and to provide financial incentives.
The organization and competition will be carried out by a special competition commission consisting of specialists and professional teachers of The Registan Education Project.
The winners of the contest will be awarded with a special certificate of “The best essay”, a laptop, a modern tablet, valuable prizes and souvenirs. All candidates will also receive a special QR-code certificate.
More information in this video:
Participate, test your knowledge and win special prizes!
Contest organizers:
- REGISTAN Learning Center and OLIYGOH.UZ team
Who is the choice for?
- For candidates with IELTS 6 and higher, CEFR B2 and higher
Registration deadline:
- April 30
How do I register?
Applicants wishing to participate in this competition will be registered in 2 stages:
Stage 1: The contest is registered through a special telegram-bot created specifically for it. At this address, participants provide their personal information and exam certificates (REGISTRATION IS HERE).
Stage 2: Register on the platform OLIYGOH.UZ . Through this platform, the examination process takes place and a personal cabinet of candidates is formed.
Participants must pay attention that their personal information is filled in correctly and accurately. During the registration process, a special code will be sent to each candidate’s phone number. This code activates the “Personal Cabinet” of the participant.
Selection stages
The competition consists of 3 stages:
The first stage
The first stage (in the form of a test exam) candidates will take an online exam through the platform OLIYGOH.UZ.
Exam Type: 50 test questions for different levels of English.
Time: The first round of the competition will start on April 30 at 18:00 and the exam window will close at 22:00. During this time, all registered candidates can take the exam for 60 minutes. Upon completion of Stage 1, the total results mandate will be formed and 400 (four hundred) participants with the highest score will be transferred to Stage 2.
The second stage
The second stage is a video-review, in which candidates are required to submit a video review on their behalf. Review is evaluated on a 100-point scale. In this case, the independence of the candidate, the consistency and fluency of the views expressed in the review, as well as the specificity of the conclusion are of particular importance.
Time: The videos of the 2nd stage of the competition can be sent on the platform OLIYGOH.UZ through a special exam window on from May 3 to May 8. The submitted reviews will be assessed by experts and the 100 most qualified participants will be able to participate in the final (stage 3). The results of this stage will be announced in 2 weeks.
Review topic: “Bringing Uzbekistan’s education to the first place in the world”
The third stage
Stage 3: This stage is the most important stage of the competition and participants will have to write an essay.
Time: The third round of the competition will be held on May 29 at the REGISTAN LC among the selected candidates.
Allocated time: 1 hour 20 minutes
Venue: REGISTAN Learning Center, Tashkent
The essays will be reviewed by a special commission of 10 international-class teachers.
Rewarding contest winners
The winners of the competition will be awarded in the special event hall of the REGISTAN Learning Center with a special certificate of the competition “The best essay”, a laptop, a modern tablet, valuable prizes and souvenirs.
Candidates who take part in the competition and win prizes will be rewarded as follows:
• 1st place winner: Modern laptop, 1st place special certificate of “The best essay” competition, souvenirs.
• 2nd place winners: Modern tablet, 2nd place special certificate of “The best essay” competition, souvenirs.
• 3rd place winners: Samsung A21 mobile phone, 3rd place special certificate of “The best essay” contest, souvenirs.
Other finalists will also be awarded with souvenirs and special QR-coded diplomas.
All candidates will receive a special QR-code certificate online. Certificates are sent to participants through the OLIYGOH.UZ platform “Personal Cabinet”.
REGISTAN LC and OLIYGOH.UZ team wish good luck to all participants of the competition!